Friday, 28 October 2011

my beloved EE780!!!


Wah..lame giler saya tak update blog..kan.kan..As usual, on the same reason which is veryyyy busy..cliche answer.hahah..lempang nak budak ni?

Actually, this new semester memang totally i set my time to focus on my research. So memang sibuuuk la sangat to catch the deadline set by me myself. Ye la, further study on research mode ni memang kena pandai-pandai adjust time sendiri. Bukan macam budak-budak who are doing masters by coursework. They all have to go to the class and do assignments, test and so on...hurm...hurm..sedey....




Alhamdulillah...syukur sangat sebab saya ada 2 supervisor yang sangat cool...(errk...boleh ke guna word cool for sv?ah, tak kesah la..)

Why i said they are cool?

Contohnya adalah...

1. Every 1st monday of the month i have 9Qs presentation to my 1st sv. fuh, tak tido malam nak jawab the 9qs tu, even every month pun the questions will never change.

2. Every 3rd wednesday of the month i have Colloquium presentation. fuh, tak tido malam lagi nak prepare for the slides. Before prepare the slides, i have to do analysis and think and think and think critically how to present and elaborate the results. kalau ada results, kalau tak ada results kena la cari results dulu kan.

3. 2 or 3 days before the colloquium day, i have to show the results and discussion part to my 2nd sv. kalau ada masalah boleh minta opinion dia since my 1st sv ni sangat la disegani and he is very busy, dean la katakan. nasib baik ada 2nd sv ni. Muda lagi orangnya. Handsome jugak. hahaha.. Sebab tu ada kawan saya cakap saya rajin jumpa dia atas sebab itu. Oh tidak. tidak sekali-kali. Heh.

4. Every tuesday i have journal discussion with my 2nd sv. Nasib baik he is very sporting and understanding. Macam tau-tau je saya agak payah nak faham journals. At least, bila discuss with him boleh la minta pendapat dan tanya direct to him apa yang tak faham tu kan.

Setakat ni itu sahaja kot jadual berkala which i have to follow. hurm...mesti ada yang cakap alah kacang aje tu gi jumpa-jumpa sv aja kot. Tapi harus diingat bukan setakat jumpa, mesti ada outcome tau.hehehe..

note: haruslah rajin buat experiment so that i can finish my study within 2 years maximum period.. Amin.


  1. Tang usaha tu dh sedap dgr dh.. tang yg 2nd sv hensem tu xberapa sedap nk dgr la.. huhu.. (T_T)

  2. alolo...sume org pun suke benda2 indah kn..nway..handsome tu subjective dear...
