Wednesday, 30 March 2011

oh, tidak!!!!

simptom sakit mata sudah menjelma...

antaranya adalah :

1. Mata  pedih, merah dan berair.
2. Muncul taik mata dengan tiba.
3. Rasa senak dan perit apabila tundukkan kepala.

Next step is go and see a doctor and take medical leave..

kerja larut malam.

dearie bloggie..

mlm td my housemate bw blk segugus homework yg perlu dibereskan untuk                                  kenduri kahwinnya..kerjanya adalah seperti gambar di bawah :-

melipat kad kahwin sebanyak 1000 pieces

tada!!!kad yg dh siap dilipat..

riben yg kne tempek ng bunge..very small...
 Bab yg nk melipat kad tu boleh tahan lg, tp bab tang nk membuat reben tu tersangatlah apo nak  dikato, dh is it an order from her mum-in-law..buek ajolah..u olz bayangkan la, drp reben sehelai (kata bilangan untuk reben sehelaikah??sudah lupe la...), then letak gam uhu putar-putar belit-belit sikit, after that put a small flower and hasilnya jd la mcm kt dlm gambar bahagian hujung yg dh siap tu..rumit x?? i like bt tu..also kne bt 1000 pieces..hohoho~~

p/s : practice makes perfect..hahaha..take it as a practice la babe..

Monday, 28 March 2011

i'll lend you

i'll lend you my shoulder for you to cry on,

i'll lend you my ears to listen to,

i'll lend you my hands for you to hold,

i'll lend you my feet to walk woth you,

but i can't lend you my heart...

coz it already belong to someone.

of course la this is not the picture of MA & me..saje nk letak..hahaha

Que sera sera...what ever will be will be..future is not for us to see..Que sera sera..

p/s: what ever you felt today doesn't mean tomorrrow you will feel the same way..pray for the best, pray for the rest..Dear Allah please bring happiness for my family and friends..Amin...

Thursday, 24 March 2011


dearie bloggie...

atas permintaan ramai..hehe, xramai pun actually..nway, for my own collection aje...following are the latest photos which i took from original sources..hahaha..ingt wartawan ke..
so apelagi...biarlah foto berbicara, coz pictures describe thousand words...

mase tgh berdebar
salam ng bakal mak mertua

 me, my brother & his wife

kne sekeh ng raja sehari
with my cousin

tgh salam nk bg goodies bag to everyone

with my bff & her niece

posing siket..ececeh..
with friends

alamak..posing lg

with k.long who helped me a lot

ayok!!berebut flowers la plak diorang nie


yeh!i am taller

alang, abang & me 

sheeda & me

amik2 sape yg nak


with lil princess

with k.chik

tapi kalu blh ulang blk aku nk posing byk sikit ng si gamba sopan la..jgn pegang2..duduk renggang2...mane la tau ade gamba cntik blh gune time kwen apekan daye, masing2 tgh nervous, xsmpt nk posing dh time kt pelamin tu...nk bt cmne..xpe, nnt kami bergambar byk2 time kawen plak ye..hehe..nk kne kmpul duit la ni upah photographer yg handalan punye..hehe..and also mak andam yg pakar dlm mentransformasikan muke aku yg xcantek ni menjadi cantek..cantek kah??sbb xcantek la nk kne cr yg pakar..kalu dh cantek xpyh mekap pun xpe..haha..ape la korang xmau dh mak andam yg hr tu..
 p/s: dh ade pengalaman jd raje sehari nnt sbb dh jd raje suku hari..hehe..

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

darah manis

dearie bloggie..

hehe, xsangka aku dh bergelar tunangan org on 19th March, 2011 last week...thanks to family n friends yg byk membantu...sgtlah penat kerana perlu menguruskan dua majlis sekaligus, i.e majlis sambut manantu and also engagement ceremony...skrg masih membiasakan diri dgn status yg baru ini... (ek ellah, br status tng org je pun..hehe..)

Bukan xmau upload gambar, tp masih lg menunggu gambr disend oleh photograper pd hr itu..aku sendiri pun blm tgk lg kt sini ku letakkan gambar yg smpat disnap apa adanye...hehe...

berdebar gile time nie...tgn terketar2 wes...

jd milik ku...hehe...

lame gile kne salam cium tgn...

with my ex-boyfriend...sbb skrg dh jd my fiancee..hehe

besties yg hadir..

dariku untuknya..

darinya untukku..

wid my new sis in law

my niece yg duk menempel bl tgk teh nye ini cantik..ahaks....cantik ker??

 peace...tgh nk set lighting kt pelamin...

antara family yg hadir..

maka selesailah sudah majlisnya...alhamdulillah...semoga kami di bawah rahmat mu ya allah...

p/s: ingtlah shaky, jg dirimu itu...jgn bg nyamuk isap darah sbb darahku manis...hahaha...

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

balik kampung!!

dearie bloggie...

i'm going home sat lg..hopefully everything will going smoothly..sampai kuantan, tinggal kereta n blk ng my brother..
hopefully sempat sampai umah before magrib because my mum bt majlis solat hajat untuk kenduri kahwin abg mie ini..insyallh...

ya allah, permudahkanlah perjalanan ku ini..amin...

see you again dearie bloggie...

p/s:doakan perjalananku selamat ye....

Friday, 4 March 2011

1st draft..

My 1st draft of Msc. proposal is already submitted to prof..warr.....takoottttnyeeee!!!
nk tggu prof chek n comments here n there is very scary...hopefully xbyk sgt yg prof tu pun dh kne edit ng Mr. Pasya..After do some corrections br email to prof..Juz pray for the best..~~

Hehe...lega, baju kemeja ayah untuk dipakai mase kenduri a.mie sudah dibeli...Ape lagi yg mak pesan uh bt he sblm blk kg??em....bgkus gule2...wiken nie kne g beli gule2 la..n beli apollo n mineral water... lain yg nk kawen, aku plak yg pening...oh ya ya!!toink~~

Nway, today is friday!!besh2...njoy your weekend!!

huhu...abg xnk dtg wiken ni..tidak boleh la nk g berdating...T_T